Resend welcome e-mail
We have detected that sometimes the need arises to send again the email with the password that learners receive when they enroll in a course, either because for some reason there was an error in the mailing, or because they have not received the mail.
The available options were to delete the enrollments and re-enroll the learners, or to change each of the passwords individually.
To simplify this process, we have created the possibility to resend the welcome email with the password to access the campus in bulk to as many learners as we wish.
To do this, just select the enrollments from the “Learners” menu and in the “Mass actions” button you will find this new option “Send passwords”:
When we resend the email, the password will be automatically regenerated and the learner will receive a new password.
We hope that this new option will facilitate a more efficient communication with your learners and ensure their access to the campus.