User IP unblocking

When a user attempts to access the platform 10 consecutive times with an incorrect username and/or password within a period of 2 minutes, the system temporarily blocks the IP address of the device from which he/she is trying to access. The IP will remain blocked for 1 hour, after which access can be attempted again.

This security measure prevents misuse of a user account or, in specific cases, a possible external attack.

Occasionally, it may simply be the student, teacher or administrator who does not remember his or her data. Our recommendation in these cases is to click on the link "Forgot password" before reaching the blocking point and receive instructions in the e-mail on how to change the password.

If the IP used by the user is still blocked, as platform administrators, you will be able to unblock users who request it, if you are confident that it is safe. To do so, you just need to go to the "Learners" menu and click on the "Unblock users " link located at the top right of the screen. This option will be enabled only when there is a user whose access is blocked:

From there, the IPs and users that are currently blocked will be displayed and you will be able to unblock them with a simple click:

We hope that this improvement will optimize your management and bring you more efficiency in these situations that you may encounter.