Personalized email account with your domain (DNS)
What do I need to use it?
You already have your web domain with any provider.
You must perform 4 steps:
1) Go to the control panel where you have your domain hosted (, 1and1, ionos, Wix, OVH...)
2) Once inside the control panel, select the domain you want to use and create a new DNS record of TXT type.
You will be asked for 2 pieces of information to complete it:
Subdomain: scph0522._domainkey so that it looks something like this:
Value: here you will have to indicate the text that appears in evolCampus after entering the domain you want.
3) Once inside the control panel, select the domain you want to use and create a new DNS record of the CNAME type.
You will be asked for 2 pieces of information to complete it:
Subdomain: ec-bounce will look like this
Point to (Target): here you will have to indicate
4) Finally you must click on verify and activate in evolCampus, this verification process may take several minutes so do not close the window.